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Difference Between Internal and External Linking, Why is it Important?

Internal Linking and External linking are the most important factors in Website ranking. If you want to drive organic traffic, it would be helpful for your website. So here we explain two things that impact your website’s user experience and search engine rankings. These are the ranking factors in SEO. So you have to understand these things and apply them on your website.

Internal Linking:

Internal linking refers to linking one page on your website to another within the same domain. These links connect various pages of your website’s content, creating a network of interconnected pages and building a page authority. You must use at least one Internal link on your web pages. Here’s why internal linking matters:

  • Navigation and User Experience: Internal links serve as a roadmap for your website visitors. They help users navigate through your content, making it easier to find relevant information. A well-structured internal linking enhances user experience and keeps visitors engaged.
  • Build of Page Authority: When you link from one page to another within your website, you’re passing a portion of the SEO authority and ranking power from the source page to the linked page. This can help boost the visibility of essential pages in search engine results.
  • Establishing Content Hierarchy: Internal links can indicate the hierarchy and importance of various pages on your website. Search engines often see pages with more internal links as more important.

External Linking:

External linking, on the other hand, involves adding links from your web pages to external websites or domains. These links direct users to other sources of information beyond your website. Here’s why external linking is essential:

  • Credibility and Authority: Linking to reputable external sources can enhance your website’s credibility and authority in your niche. It shows that you’re providing valuable information and willing to back it up with external references.
  • User Trust: Users may trust your content more when they see you’re eager to provide additional resources and references. This trust can lead to increased engagement and longer time spent on your website.
  • Diversifying Content: External links can help diversify your content by providing different perspectives and viewpoints. This enriches the user experience and can make your content more informative and well-rounded.
  • Avoiding Cannibalization: External links can also help you avoid cannibalizing your content. Sometimes, you might have multiple pages on your site covering similar topics. Linking to external resources for additional information can ensure clarity for users and search engines.

Why Is Internal and External Linking Important?

For SEO friendly websites, there also has to be a linking of all types, both internal and external. Its use in the right proportion is most important. Here are a few tips in this respect:

  • For the purpose of both navigation and SEO within the website, always prefer to use internal links.
  • Utilize external links to support your content with credible and authoritative sources.
  • Make sure all references to external sources come from reputable sites and have something to do with your content.
  • Do not overload the pages of your site with a combination of internal and external links.

In summary, one should now know the differences between an internal and an external link. Also, understand why such linking is important for both a site owner and search engines. Such linking strategies effectively enhance user experiences, improve SEO, and increase credibility in your niche.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between internal and external linking and why they are essential for website owners and search engines. Utilizing these linking strategies effectively can improve user experience, enhance SEO, and create greater credibility in your niche. 

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