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Common Types of Broken Links and How to Identify and Solve them

Are you still hiring a person to fix broken links on your website? Well, it’s time to be smart. Broken links can be fixable and you can also resolve them without any complex work. You just have to understand why it’s important and how to solve it.

If you’re looking for solutions for broken links, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you can effectively tackle the problem of broken links. It’s crucial to understand that broken links can affect user experience and your SEO rankings. When visitors encounter errors while browsing your page, they bounce back, which can harm your search engine rankings. So, if you found any broken links on your website. try to fix those errors ASAP.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the concept of broken links, emphasise their importance in terms of SEO, provide some examples, and step-by-step solutions.

How to Identifying Broken Links 

Now that we understand broken links and their importance let’s understand how you identify them on your website. 

  • Regular Website Audits: Set a routine for website audits to keep broken links in check. Various online tools can scour your website for any links leading to non-existent pages.
  • Utilise Google Search Console: This useful tool has a ‘Crawl Errors’ report that shows URLs that return 404 errors. It’s like having a spy at your fingertips.
  • Online Broken Link Checker Tools – Say goodbye to dead links and hello to a smoother user experience! With online broken link checker tools, you’ll keep your website user friendly, ensuring that every click leads your visitors exactly where they want to go. 

So why wait? Let’s make your website journey from start to finish. On Google, many tools are available to find broken links, such as broken link check, Ahref, dead link checker, and many more, so use them according to your needs.

Types of Broken Links and How to Solve Them 

Broken links are like potholes on the internet highway – they can disrupt your online journey and leave you frustrated. But don’t worry. Understanding the types of broken links and how to fix them is like having a digital repair kit. Let’s dive in!

The Classic 404 Error

Type: Page Not Found

Solution: When you encounter a classic 404 error, the webpage you’re looking for has been deleted from your website. To fix this:

  1. Check if the page has moved to a new URL.
  2. If it has, create a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one.
  3. If the page is gone for good, consider creating a custom 404 page to guide lost visitors back on track.

The Redirect Loop

Type: Endless Redirects

Solution: Redirect loops occur when two or more pages redirect to each other, trapping users in an endless loop. To fix this, carefully review your redirect rules and make sure they are correctly configured. Avoid circular redirects, and ensure that your redirects have a clear destination.

The Mixed Content Error

Type: Mixed HTTP and HTTPS Content

Solution: Mixed content errors happen when a secure (HTTPS) web page tries to load insecure (HTTP) resources like images, scripts, or stylesheets. To resolve this, ensure all resources are loaded over HTTPS. Update links and references in your code to use the secure protocol.

The 500 Internal Server Error

Type: Server Woes

Solution: A 500 Internal Server Error indicates a problem on the server side. It could be due to a misconfiguration, a plugin conflict, or server overload. To solve this, check your server logs for specific error messages and consult your hosting provider or web developer for assistance.

The 403 Forbidden Error

Type: Access Denied

Solution: When you encounter a 403 Forbidden error, you don’t have permission to access a particular page or resource. To fix this, review your website’s permissions settings and ensure access rights are granted.

The 503 Service Unavailable Error

Type: Temporarily Down

Solution: A 503 Service Unavailable error indicates that a server can temporarily not handle the request. This can happen during server maintenance or high-traffic periods. To address this, wait for the server issue to be resolved, or consider upgrading your hosting plan for more resources.


It’s very important to ensure shopping goes smoothly. 404 errors in your website are a key part that is often ignored but should never be taken lightly. These annoying broken links can send your customers down a stressful maze. But don’t worry; we’ve shown you how to fix broken links and find your way through this complicated maze.

By learning about the different kinds of broken links, like the common 404 error and the tricky redirect loops, you’ll be better prepared to deal with them. We’ve discussed how mixed content errors can make your site less secure and how soft 404 errors can confuse users and search engines. We’ve also talked about how important it is to fix 410 Gone errors, ensure your server doesn’t give out 503 Service Unavailable errors, and give your audience a custom 404 page that turns a mistake into a chance to make money.

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